About Us
With a strong sense of responsibility to be a leader on solid waste issues, Sanipac strives to provide recycling and solid waste services that meet the needs of the citizens in our community as well as public policies set by the City and the State. Toward that end, our Mission Statement drives the company: Making our community a better place to live...Every day!

As a company, Sanipac...
- Employs 130 people
- Participates as an active citizen of the community, providing funding and volunteers to many non-profits and community causes
- Implemented a state-of-the-art commingle recycling program that significantly increased recycling at homes
As a hauler...
- In 1984, implemented residential, curbside recycling two years before required by SB405. From the beginning, we provided this new service twice as often as the subsequent 1986 law required--twice per month as opposed to once a month.
- In 1990, we were the first company in this area to expand curbside recycling to weekly services, which included a free blue box for convenience, and voluntarily offered this service more than two years before required by SB66.
- In 2000, with about the same customer base, increased our recycling from 12 million pounds in 1992 to more than 33 million pounds in 1999.
- In 2001, we began curbside pick up of yard debris in Eugene
- In 2004, introduced the commingled recycling program with the 90-gallon blue recycling cart
- In 2007, achieved a new all-time high of 56 million pounds with our commingle recycle program
- In 2008, began a "subscription" curbside yard debris program in Springfield
- In 2012, introduced food waste recycling for businesses